.... I See You In A Drop Of Honey Dew - Nik Habermel....

I See You In A Drop Of Honey Dew

The wings the honey bee sings with, dry out
The nectar robbed from circumstance --
But there,
It's given free, the pollinating air
Has not an insect's touch, has too much doubt.

How you, my honey, sweetness made of me!
You took the breath of summer, landed on
My plated colour calling just for one:
For you, who knew fertility of dreams.

Now we, who winds have washed apart, look back.
I would your colours touch and tickle so
Your pollen bags, your honey heart, your glow,
Your gift of growth. Now love can never lack.

Our time be like the sky the dew reflects:
So sweet: How like an angel in effect.

Nik Habermel, September 1998
